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Medusa's Kiss
Recorded Feb. 1978
(remastered 2018)
Digital release: Jan. 29, 2019
Left-Handed Label
Recorded in Portland OR, Fidalgo Island and Samish Island WA, Olympia WA, & Pueblo CO.
Koshalla Goodrich - vocals
Brian Wright - drums
Greg Olin - guitar
Cory Gray - piano, horns, percussion
Nathaniel Chace Ashley - piano, organs, guitars, drums, woodwinds,
vibraphone, marxophone, autoharp, and vocals
Musically bridging detective and spy genres from the '60s and '70s, the lost soundtrack to Medusa's Kiss (1978) is finally available for the first time in its entirety. Remastered from recently discovered vault tapes, Medusa is sure to please fans of Italian and British soundtracks from that era.
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